by Peter Medeiros Lauren Chen didn’t think the crinoline would cause any trouble. It seemed innocuous enough when her stepdaughter Delwyn, almost fifteen now, pointed to a shop window and said, “That’s what I was telling you about! It’s from France. They used to make them with horsehair, but now they’re all supported with a…
Read moreHow to Kill an Electric Man
by Glenn Dungan He is wiry and nude, sprawled between a tumbleweed of wires from a gutted EMP and a pond of lichen which repopulated this once full and vibrant place. Wisps of smoke rise from the crater and disappears into the air. Jack goes into the crater to check on the man. He puts…
Read moreThe Doors to the Sky
by Chris A. Smith The netherworld, a long time ago The silence hung heavily in the Hall of Judgment. Burning torches threw long shadows across the room, and iridescent fish traced gleaming arcs in the still waters of the reflecting pool. Polished marble columns rose into the darkest corners of the temple’s ceiling, creating a…
Read moreThe Honeymoon
by T.L. Beeding “Can’t you see I’m working on it?” Phylissa threw herself against the side of the ARC-52, pressing herself flat. Bullets whizzed by, thudding into the foul-smelling mud pile their terrain rover had gotten trapped in. She gave him a nasty look. “Well, if you haven’t noticed, they’ve got us pinned. And they…
Read moreBlood Vengeance
by Zach Ellenberger The glow of the Northern Lights illuminated the night sky. The Valkyries had arrived to claim the souls of Magnus’s fallen brothers who had been slain in the valley earlier that day. Knowing the gods were present, Magnus communed with them, consulted them for their wisdom in hopes to heed their counsel….
Read moreUnder Distant Skies
by Andrew Albritton “This has to be it,” Ambrose said, taking a bite of beans in the firelight. “Tomorrow, we’ll find the treasure.” “I hope you’re right,” Garrison said. “Otherwise, we’re going to have to find jobs.” Ambrose laughed. “We can’t have that.” Ambrose and Garrison were camped at the top of a shallow canyon,…
Read moreThe Guide
by Sarah Hozumi Celea watched the birth of a star from the comfort of a tree branch belonging to an enormous white cedar. She watched as the remains of spirits became particles of energy that all were pushed to one point in the night sky. With a brilliant flash, there in the sea of stars,…
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by Paul Stansbury The Kūaka hurtled through space, its New Hope colonists slumbering in suspended animation. Inside, all was still in the darkness except for its passengers’ thoughts coalescing in a reality beyond the bounds of the conscious and subconscious. “They say before the sixth ice age, Earth was mostly green and great oceans,…
Read moreThe Follies of Men
by Aline Herbreteau The moon was round and bright in the twilit sky. Its silvery light glanced off the newly fallen snow, sprinkling it with diamonds, and spilled upon the castle steps. Every tree in the forest was draped in shimmering snow and trimmed with frost. Every creature, every plant, every snowflake had stopped moving;…
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By Emad El-Din Aysha This Union you want With the earth and sky, This union we all need with love, A golden wing from God’s heart just Touched the ground, Now Step upon it With your brave sun-vows And help our eyes To Dance! — Hafiz “Is this not a bit too much,” Al-Jahiz said,…
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